chapters of the badab war

The next FW book is allegedly is going to be about the Badab War.

The next FW book is allegedly is going to be about the Badab War.

40K: The Badab War Unveiled by Forgeworld

40K: The Badab War Unveiled by Forgeworld

The complete Badab War. Includes Imperial Armour Volume Nine: The Badab War

The complete Badab War. Includes Imperial Armour Volume Nine: The Badab War

A more obscure chapter of the Badab war, the Space Sharks. and still growing

A more obscure chapter of the Badab war, the Space Sharks. and still growing

Badab war paint I found. Chaos Space Marines

Badab war paint I found. Chaos Space Marines

 only a few weeks travel from the Maelstrom Zone and the Badab War,

only a few weeks travel from the Maelstrom Zone and the Badab War,

The massive axe he wields is normally carried by chapter masters but given

The massive axe he wields is normally carried by chapter masters but given

Full Review: Imperial Armour 10, the Badab War part2

Full Review: Imperial Armour 10, the Badab War part2

 styled as an Ordo Hereticus account of the true history of the Badab War

styled as an Ordo Hereticus account of the true history of the Badab War

All except chapter marking of course, but that's not happening until the

All except chapter marking of course, but that's not happening until the

A trip to Forge World; The Badab War – Part II.

A trip to Forge World; The Badab War – Part II.

A trip to Forge World; The Badab War – Part II.

A trip to Forge World; The Badab War – Part II.

maybe one of the chapter masters? but it looks new to me

maybe one of the chapter masters? but it looks new to me

A more obscure chapter of the Badab war, the Space Sharks. and still growing

A more obscure chapter of the Badab war, the Space Sharks. and still growing

Here the terrible nature of the war is shown to full effect.

Here the terrible nature of the war is shown to full effect.

Full Review: Imperial Armour 9: The Badab War – Part 1

Full Review: Imperial Armour 9: The Badab War – Part 1



Looks like the next Book will cover the Badab war, will try and get more

Looks like the next Book will cover the Badab war, will try and get more

DakkaDakka - Warhammer 40K Forums - Imperial Armor 9: The Badab War - Page 2

DakkaDakka - Warhammer 40K Forums - Imperial Armor 9: The Badab War - Page 2

This is, of course, not unexpected given the large scale of the Badab war.

This is, of course, not unexpected given the large scale of the Badab war.